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The thermometer got down to 80° Sunday night. thats pretty cold for the 18th of June
Stoughton June 18th 1939
Dear Folks
We are having very cool weather for the time of the year since our thunder showers of Saturday morning the weather changed with the wind getting out N West so that heat in the kitchen range seems good for the living rooms + at night. I put on my flannel sheets + winter nighties for comfort. tempests this summer are very destructive but so far they go around us + follow the water which pleases me, hope they continue to do so.
Anna came up yesterday to call she is looking very old + thin, it seems to us she is failing. she says Maude came there to use her telephone but as she had company didn't stay. she don't seem to know much about her but says, she works in Henrys office every day + stays in her old home nights. under those circumstances she may gets along through the summer, but theres not much to look forward to this winter, however, she may survive if she dont lose the site of her other eye, then what will become of her? its a pity she cant be taken why does she have to be left to carry