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on? Theres a religious sect that are calling to houses to ask us to subscribe for their magazine "Jehovas" they should be put out of the countey  [[county]], they refuse to salute the US flag the Catholics have stricken the name of Jehova out of their religion altogether. I suppose they think going around town Sunday morning is the right thing to do do, but we are not interested in such narrow minded people.
         The Ballentines have bought a new a car. Their old one got so out of repair it would cost them a hundred dollars to get it fixed up, so their brother advised them to buy a new one. by his aid they got a dodge car, after George McGarvey was consulted + said he found it the most satisfactory of any car he ever had anything to do with. We all depend on Georges advice + it is lucky Pa got him into the neighborhood, as we need just such a one, he will take off his coat every time to help us out. even Hazel Drake says he is he is good to her father, says who would talk with an old man like him + be so nice to him George. he minds his own business but will go out of his way to do anything for you every time. I must write to Lena, a little from home folks seems good to one in a new place. hope you are having decent weather, + neither roasting or freezing, but a fair medium between the two. Mabe [[Maybe]] you are off on a hike probably for the day somewhere

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