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and Pete is an Episcopal attendant can you imagine it? [[underlined]]she[[/underlined]] has been the making of him. I think he was the worst one of the family + George the best one he makes a very good neighbor is always ready to help one out in case of trouble + very quiet, his wife is also very nice, she still works in the office at Belchers. They make lots of money between them + keep up their place beautifully. Pa did a good thing when he got him into the neighborhood.

I am glad you are having good times going about so much. the water was your hobby + now such hot weather its nice you can take advantage of it. The boy has just come to cut the grass, it will cut easy because it has'nt grown much for the last two weeks. [[space]] Evelyn Drake told Mrs Barry that the Wall family over across the way were a nice family, she is a worker + earns the money a telegraph operator in the office back of Winships drug store. they play croquet evenings + take quite an interest in the place, he cuts the grass + we saw him cutting their hedge, they have a car, they both drive, he works at Meades sulfur works when he can get it + plays in the band. we like the attic people [[insert]] also [[/insert]]they have been over here after water this winter + are very nice + quiet Ma       

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Just needs formatting check.