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Stoughton June 24th 1939
Dear Folks
We are having about the same temperature as you folks down in Washington according to the radio cool for the time of the year a kitchen coal fire seems the proper thing other folks run their oil heat. & when it does warm up, its the other extreme.
We are waiting for the ice man to show up our ice gave out yesterday the milk is the most we want it for but this kind of weather that will keep all right.
Don't worry about the measles its a good time of the year to have them, they are not very sick these days you had them during the cold May storm. the only danger is where other diseases set in with them, then look out. the main thing is to keep them warm especially afterwards. I never even had a doctor to you but have often wondered since why I didnt but took mighty good care of you & stayed in a dark room through your whole sickness & read books for your entertainment & pretended to take care of Pa's meals besides, its a wonder I