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the Toomey family should marry they are a passionate race, with their great thick lips.

Mrs Williams is living next to Maude, she says Maude  comes home from downtown + late in the evening she sees a dim light. the other night the two children + Florence their mother, came there, pretty soon the neighbors heard a terrible screaming, then after a long time Florence came outside screaming at the top of her voice, it roused the whole neighborhood.  Mrs Powers has a nervous trouble, she said "I cannot stand it" they told her it cant last much longer, for it will soon wear her out at such a rate. they say it is terrible, it must be she has either a terrible temper or is drunk. it may be both. I guess Henry is not any worse than she is. I never liked her, she thought she was marrying money. not much for Maude to look forward to certainly. every body pities her but theres nothing any body can really do. the neighbors should call the police I think they would be justified at such an occurrence + take her away. her father was related to Mary Lynch so Lena said Irish to the backbone I always knew Dillon was an Irish name it to bad Henry hadnt married different there would have been more reason for his being different if possible they say he is a good sales man none better according to Darling Ma