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I am feeling much better + for the last two das have had no trouble with that gas. those alphin tablets + Nux Vomica go to the seat of the trouble I guess.
Addie has just been over + said that she has just called up the Joomey family + heard the mother is getting along as well as could be expected but says there is something the matter over there she has seen the doctor there.
I thought you might meet Amy on the train. she seems well provided for her folks living right around + a house to live in so near to them.
Nellie Hallet Parker they say is a complete wreck she took care of her father + mother + then went over + took care of his father who died a year ago (Charles Parker) a very old man now, she is used up completely, you remember they came here that Sunday after those things Charley Howland left to her + her husband was drunk. guess he used up all the property, she lost the house on the corner her parents left her _lives in the little house Charley Parker built up at the head of our street. Anna Lamb says she is a complete wreck, she went up and called on her as she knew her as a young girl too bad she made such a marriage she is own cousin to [Poachie?] their mothers were sisters. I told Charley Howland he was a drunkard + in was a surprise to him.
I hope you get rested. Me