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Stoughton May 14th 1939

Dear Folks
We are having two days of cooler weather, the trees are now leaving [[?]] out and the shrubs budding, the spice bush in bloom and also the little quince bush is showing red blossoms, the flower bed is full of marcissirs [[?]] bloom and I wish you could see the violets around the white rose bushes ground is full of violets, so much so that the boy had to take the lawn shears to cut around them when he mowed the lawn. everything now is coming fast. its a pretty time to see nature when you ride. 
Mrs. Williams is coming again to take me out, I think this week. It pleases Mrs Barry to have me go as much as anybody although its second nature to stay at home. we have missed Mr Jurner [[?]] since his license was taken away he was very good to give us rides. 
If that wind gets out of the North West it will be warm again but I rather like this kind of cool weather, it gives me energy. where warm days takes it from one. my blood seems pretty good. as I dont feel the cold. we hav'nt had any sign of colds this winter.