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Stoughton April 26th 1939

Dear Folks
I am writing this early in the midst of a thunder storm, so it will be on time for the postman when he comes around to leave my mail. the storm started long before I got up + is not very near thanks be.
We went for a long ride yesterday, with Mrs Williams the one who lives next to Maude she knows that I havent been out all winter so she told Mrs Barry the first pleasant day that comes I am going to take her out for a little ride, yesterday it was an ideal day so she took me to Banton Ponkepog by his old home + then up through the old neighborhood through Fields Parkway + then home I was tired when I got home but rested up + slept sound last night so guess it agreed with me all right for the first time since that hurricane I witnessed the distruction it made. I knew it was great but it was a good deal more than I anticipated through Banton + Ponkopogue the trees were torn up something awful it will be years before things will recover from