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any thing is being done for them she is liable to live on indefinately [indefinitely] as she is in her sixties like Colcord. live to wear everybody out. 

Too bad they had such a rainy day yesterday. I have'nt heard how the race turned out but I think it foolish any way. the rain is good to bring things forward. every thing now is coming along after our cold winter March was bad & so things are not as forward as usual. Mamie is getting ready for her journey South. she calls me up about every night simply to know about her cousins affairs, but does'nt get any thing out of me, for we know her too well. Josephene wrote her a pretty cutting letter it was the truth all right. but made her mad. someone ought to tell her whether it does any good or not.

Now hope you rest up after your strenuous trip. you will need all your strength to get through this hot weather which will soon be with you. take life easier if possible

Mrs Barry wants me to write and thank little Doris for her beautiful card she sent her, it pleased her greatly to be remembered. she always speaks in praise of her to every body & thinks she will make something wonderful when she grows to womanhood. Ma