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After the disturbance in January & February last, Mr Daniels offered all freedpeople from Deltas, Thoubras, Fife & Rice Hope SC, the free use of his Plantation, Houses, Barns etc. hoping for himself, that when they should commence planting, he easily could obtain a Contract from this freedpeople, subject to his own stipulation.

I carefully watched the manouvers of Mr. Daniels, visited the plantation and made inquiry about their freedpeople agreement or Contracts with Mr D. and all requested me, that I may cause Mr. D. to bring the Contract forward.

Three days hereafter I received a Contract in duplicate from Mr D and with the Signiture of some of the freedpeople, the others had refused to sign without my presence and to learn from me, the proper meaning of the Contents of this Contract.

The next morning I sailed down to Ogeletrap Pl. found Mr Daniels & his Adgent and called all freedpeople,