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be equally divided between those who work it.

Art. 5th. All Thanksgiving Days, Fast-Days, "Holidays," and national Celebration Days are to be enjoyed in all cases by contractors, without being regarded as a neglect of duty or violation of contract.

Art. 6th. Good conduct and good behavior of the Freedmen, toward the Proprietor, good treatment of animals and good care of tools, utensils &c, and good and kind treatment by the Proprietor to the Freedmen will be strictly required by the authorities; and all dwellings and immediate premises of Freedmen must be kept neat and clean, subject to inspection and fine for neglect by such sanitary arrangements as the Govt. may make. 

Art. 7th. No Sutler stores will be permitted on the place, and nothing sold on account. except the necessaries of life - such as good substantial food and working clothes, conducive to health and comfort, at cost, - that no inducements may be given for spending earnings improperly. Spirituous liquors will not be permitted. 

Art. 8th, All accounts must be entered in a pass-book, to be kept by each family or individual for the purpose, that no advantage be taken by incorrect charges, and no account against them will be recognized except such entry be made, No tobacco charges above 50 cts per month will be recognized by the Bureau - In all cases of the loss of their account books, then the account in the Proprietor's book's must be taken to date of loss, when another pass-book must be obtained, and entries of accounts made as before. 

Art. 9th - In all cases where an accusation is made against a person the Proprietor or his agent, one of the contractors or Freedman selected by themselves, and a third person chosen by the two - provided neither of these three are biased, or prejudiced against the accused, - shall be a competent council to investigate and acquit the accused -