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Fayetteville March 13th 1867

Genl O.O. Howard

Dr Sir. I ask your advice on one
Particular. If I have the right to By 100z of Seed cotton of a negro as I have of a white man now to Explain my son went of Pedling in South Carolina. he traded with a negro for some Seed Cotton where upon he was weighlayed by 4 Secesianist of the worst Sort. his cotton taken from him man named Lucus onoth Wetherspoon Evans & Mcguire. Wetherspoon followed him to a little town Bennittsville took him with a warrant. & Put him in jail. I had to go to Bennittville & give a bond for his appearance $500.00 to appear the 4 monday in april 1867 did not allow him a trial I ask you is that right or just, a negro garrison is just what they ought to have at Bennittsville & Society Hill. that State never ought to be allowed back in the union. Keep her under a millitary Law
the devil is not beginning to be out of them yet. altho there is Some good Level men in South carolina but some grand rascals. Loosing there negroes it killing to they stil dont want the negro to Breath Hardly, of course you dont remember any thing of me when you went through here with genl Sherman But I had a talk with you before my door on the railroad. I am glad to Say you have Sent us a gentleman for a Beauroe. Manchester W Weld
I am pleased with him. very much & the People generally. but let Hadg go, now I am & allways was a
strong union man and never did give one cent to carry on the war. I had 2 sons they forced them into it all I Ever did give was the boys something to take
I suppose we will have a military to govern us before long. north carolina is all right.