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Headquarters, Assistant Commissioner, 
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 
South Carolina.
Charleston, S. C., December 10, 1866.
No. 10.}

The following is published for the information and guidance of officers and agents of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands in this State:-
Hereafter. transportation of freedmen to and from States where there are Assistant Commissioners of this Bureau, will be given by this Bureau, under the provisions of G. O. 138. W. D., A. G. O., series 1865, only upon the following conditions:-
I. That the freedmen to be transported are those who are now dependent upon the Government for support, and are liable to remain for some time to come so dependent, or who are located at points where there is great destitution, and are liable soon to become, for any considerable time, dependent on the Government for support. 
II. That persons, other than the freedmen themselves, who apply for the transportation of such freedmen shall furnish to the Assistant Commissioner of the State to which such freedmen are to be transported, indisputable evidence:-
1st, That the applicants are able to give comfortable homes, employment under their own personal direction, reasonable wages and rations to such freedmen. 
2nd, That they need the services of such freedmen to enable them to carry on a legitimate trade or business. 
3rd, That they will contract with such freemen, in person, to furnish them at the place named in the application, such homes, employment, wages and rations. Such contracts to be approved by the Assistant Commissioner of the State from which such freedmen are to be transported, and to be made in quadruplicate; one copy for each of the contracting parties, and the remaining two copies to be delivered to the Assistant Commissioner of the State to which such freedmen are to be transported. 
4th, That they give ample security to the Assistant Commissioner of the State to which such freemen are to be transported, that they will not see, or otherwise transfer any order of transportation of fare or passage upon such order, and that they will actually transport the parties named in the contract to be made under the provisions of the third paragraph of these Regulations, to the place of destination named in said contract. 
III. That the application to the Commissioner for the order of transportation shall be made by the Assistant Commissioner of the State from which such freedmen are to be transported. 
IV. That when the contracts above mentioned are completed, and before any freedmen shall be removed from the State, upon the order of transportation, a list of the freedmen to be transported, giving their names, the place from which and to which they are to be transported, the name of the person who contracts with them, and the copy of the transportation order, and the order of the Commissioner authorizing the issue of the transportation order shall be made in quadruplicate, and be verified by the person contracting to hire said freedmen, and delivered to the Assistant Commissioner of the State where the contract is made. Of these lists, one shall be retained by the contractor, one by the said Assistant Commissioner, one shall be transmitted to the Assistant Commissioner of the State to which said freedmen are to be transported, and one to the Commissioner at Washington. 

By order of
Bvt. Maj. Gen. R. K. Scott.
Assistant Commissioner.
Edw. L. Deane,
2nd Lt. V. R. G., Bvt. Major U. S. Vols., A. A. A. Gen'l.

A. A. A. G.