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Headquarters Asst. Comr. BRF&AL
Charleston S.C. April 17 1867

Deane E.L.
Bt. Maj. &c &c &c &c
I.B. 5H "D"

Directs settlement between Carter and Taylor

April 17, #1867
Mr Carter
You will report at this office in the Citadel at once, and settle the within complaint, and some further trouble. 
Signed JM. Johnson
Lt & [[P?]] [[M?]]
April 17th 1867
Respectfully returned to Bvt Maj AMe Sr. Crawford, A.A.A.G. I have settled this matter nine 30/100 Dollars wages has been paif Taylor in full Permission to take the tools has never been denied him. but he wishes to compel McCarthy to carry them back to the city for him
I have given him an order to go & get them
signed JM.Johnson
Lieut & [[?]]
Hd Qrs B.D. of C.
Charleston S.C.
April 18th/67
Respectfully forwarded to Hd Qr Asst. Com. state of S.C. in compliance with the within instructions to Taylor, the Original Order filed in the office as [[?]] for [[?]].
Geo. A. Williams
Bvt: Lt: Col: & Maj 6th US Inf
Sub: Asst: Com: