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Hdqrs. Sub Dist. Hn. Hd.
Port Royal, S.C. May 30th '67.

Bvt. Major Genl. R.K. Scott.
Ast. Comm'r So. Ca.

I have the honor herewith, to transmit to you a document, which must have been intended for Head Quarters B.R.F. & A.L. Charleston, but through a mistake sent to Hdqrs. Sub Dist. Hn. Hd.

I avail myself of the present, to inform you General, that after holding under closely guarded arrest, Robert L. Houston, the defaulting Freedmen's Cotton Agent, for a part of two days, he executed a bond and Mortgage, covering the entire liabilities of his Agency, which has been left in the hands of Col. Wm. Whaley, Atty at Law, Bond A., for collect-