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Savannah 4th June 1867

Brevet Lieut. Colonel H.M. Smith
A.A. General
Head Qurts. Assist Commissioner
Bureau R.F. & Abd Lands
Charleston, S.C.

I have learned with great regret that it is proposed to transfer Captain Brandt from this place to Lawtonville some forty miles hence. I beg leave to suggest a reconsideration of that purpose under the fullest conviction that it has been entertained under some misapprehension of the relative importance of the two positions to the fulfilment of the objects and purposes of the Bureau. The main if not the only check practically on the Freedmen on Back river who exceed in number those of any other district of like size hereabout and who by recent indications on some of the plantations - mine among them - are becoming insubordinate, is the presence of Captain Brandt who commands their respect and confidence as is believed here very justly. In the absence of Captn Brandt they would