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Bluffton S.C.
July 8th 1867

My Dear Genl,

I am just in receipt of a communication dated Beaufort S.C. June 25th 1867 and signed "Justice" which communication was forwarded to you and by you referred to me thro' Grnl. Gile. My first impression upon receiving it was to treat it with the contempt it deserved; but upon a second thought I remembered the the old adage, "There is no dirt thrown but some of it will stick" so I concluded that as no official action was called for from me by you, I would write a private letter explaining the whole affair. Some three or four weeks since I received pr. Steamer One hundred and Fifty Sacks corn forwarded by Col. Low, for as I knew very well gratuitous distribution. The next morning before the corn was removed from the dock Col. Seabrook called upon me and said he had ordered corn from New York and received advices that it was shipped to him on such a date, and (over)