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E ll encl

Headquarters, Assistant Commissioner, 
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
South Carolina.
Charleston, S. C., January 18th 1867.


Major Edwd L. Deane
Actg Asst Adjt General -

Major -
I have the honor to report that, in obedience to p. 2. Special Orders No 3 dated Head Qr's Asst Com'r January 3d 1867, I have investigated the report of armed organizations of freedpeople in the vicinity of McClellanville, So. Carolina, and find that such bodies have existed, and that the Conductors of the organizations were, (so styled) Colonel Sam Pyall (Col'd) residing on the Georgetown side of the No Santee river on the plantation of Mr Wm Codes: Capt Mott Blake residing on Mr Augustus Shoolbred's plantation near Mr Stephen Doar's on the Santee river: Lieut Toney Garrett living on the Wm Mayzek plantation near "Blake" plant'n

Transcription Notes:
edited: changes and corrections