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Office, Sub-Assisant Commissioner,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Georgetown, S. C.   186
to the tax collector, which asked why there was an excess of taxes over the state tax and tax on dogs and also advised the people to pay them, the matter to be afterwards adjudicated. I explained the letter and advised them to pay their poll tax, which they appeared willing to do. Wallace admits that he used some rather harsh language, because he thought they were dealing with him unjustly. I think the matter is amicably arranged and that no further difficulty regarding it will occur in Horry District.
In Georgetown District no sales of freedmen's property have occurred for non-payment of taxes. There are several places belonging to them now advertised in the usual way (by 21 days notice). As far as I am able to judge, on investigation here, there appears to be no proceeding in these cases in conflict with Genl Orders No 92 and Circular of October 9th 1867 of Head Qr's 2nd Mily Dist.
I am very Respectfully
your obdt servant
EW Everson
Bvt Maj U.S.V. A.D.C. &c.