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Charleston, S.C.
November 13, 1867

Bt Maj E. L. Deane
A.A.A. Gen'l.

I would respectfully make the following statement in regard to one Smart Williams - who is now in Jail, charged with stealing rice from the plantation "Rice Hope" belonging to Mr Draper, situated in 
S. John: Berkley. The evidence against him
does not prove him guilty as the following
statement will show. Captain Leidtke
also, is of the same opinion - he having tried the case and acquitted him. he was arrested and put in jail afterwards by Mr Draper, and the Civil authorities. Williams says that he is innocent of the charges against him, he says he never was in the field, and supposes the cause of his arrest to have been from the fact that Mr Draper offered a reward of five dollars to any person who would take any persons found with rice. Williams denies having any rice on his person, and believes his arrest to have been prompted by a desire for the money - and hatred of him .
I searched this mans house - he very willingly gave me the key - but could find no rice
I would respectfully request that this case may be investigated by you.

Transcription Notes:
tr I mistakenly re-opened - it is really accurate and complete