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Carl H. Getz
100 East 42nd Street

For release upon receipt

An exhibition of pictures and busts including portraits by Zuloaga, Manship, Fromkes, Bakst and others, will be exhibited at the Seligmann Galleries, 705 Fifth Avenue, beginning December 1 and continuing until December 15, under the auspices of the Art Patrons of America, for the benefit of the State Charities Aid Association.
Included in the exhibition are the portraits of the daughter of Clarence MacKay by McEvoy, of Mrs. George Baker, Jr., by Munnings, bust of Francis P. Garvin, Jr., son of Francis P. Garvin, by Eli Nadelman, bust of Otto H. Kahn, by Geo. Davidson, bust of Stephen C. Clark, by Augustus John and bust of Miss Charlotte Vanderlip by Leo Katz. In addition there will be displayed a portrait of Mrs. Phipps and her son, Winston, by Sargent.