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 Paris                        JACQUES SELIGMANN & CO.,INC        LONDON W.       
57 Rue St.Dominique            NO 705 FIFTH AVENUE          12 OLD BURLINGTON ST.
(Ancien Palais De Sagan)          NEW YORK
                             CABLE ADDRESS: GlAENSTARK
                              TELEPHONE PLAZA 5874
November the 22nd 1924.
Carl H. Getz, Esq.,
Room 2313,
Pershing Square Building,
New York City.
My dear Mr.Getz :- 
                     We will have at our Galleries from December 1st, until December 15th, a very important Exhibition which is held by the Art Patrons of America, for the benefit of the State Charities Aid Association.
                     This Exhibition consists of fine pictures and busts, all portraits of prominent people by prominent artists. It is not only an artistic but social performance.
                      Up to now this Exhibition includes twenty-seven portraits by twenty-five artists, among which are the portraits of:-
       Clarence Mackay's daughter    by   McEvoy.
       Mrs. George Baker, Jr.        by   Munnings.
  Bust of Francis P. Garvin's son    by   Eli Nadelman.
  Bust of Otto Kahn                  by   Geo. Davidson
  Bust of Stephen C. Clark           by   Augustus John.
  Bust of Miss Vanderlip             by   Leo Katz.
A very important SARGENT - Portrait of Mrs. Phipps and her son.

                      The Exhibition includes also portraits by Zuloaga, Manship, Fromkes, BakEt, etc.

                      They intend charging $1, entrance, and the proceeds are to go to the State Charities Aid Association.
                      If you think you could take advantage of this and have something published in the Society column, I think it will help the exhibition to be a success. The art critics of course entirely devoted to the Art patrons will gladly take care of the artistic end of it.

Transcription Notes:
Addresses typed as ordered in letter