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Bakst, Mr. John W. Garrett
Bellows, George, Mrs. B.
Beaux, Cecelia, Miss Flora Whitney (Mrs. Towers)
Birley, Oswald,
Calder, Stirling,
Du Bois, Guy Pene,
Davidson, Jo, Otto Kahn
Fromkes, Maurice, Daughter of Mrs. Richard T. Crane
Emmett, Lydia Field, daughter Mrs. Chas. Mitchell
Henri, Robert, Capt. H.G.Montgomery
Hofman, Malvina, [[?]]
John, Augustus, Daughter of Stephen C. Clark.
Katz, Leo Miss Vanderlip-
Kelly, Gerald,
Korbell, Mario, Master McCormack & Mr.
Lockman, De Witt, Mr. Stephen Pell
Luks, George, Miss Tetchitizky
Mann, Harrington,
Manship, Paul, child of Mrs. Johnston Redmond.-
Mc.Evoy, Miss Katherine MacKay (Mrs. Kenneth O'Brien)
Munnings, Mr. Lindsay Fish & Mrs. Geo. Baker Jr.
Nadelman, Eli, Francis P. Garvan Jr.
Orpen, H.P. Davison & Goadby Loew.-
Poole, Abram,
Quinn, Edmond, Eugene O'Neill
Sterner, Albert, Mrs. Clarence Hay
Sargent, John Singer, Mrs. Phipps & Winston
Schattenstein, Miss Katherine [[?]] (Mrs. Cushing)
Speicher, Eugene,
Thompson, Juliette, Miss Harriet Price
Watson, Nan,
[[strikeout]] Wilson, Clagett, [[/strikeout]]
Troubetzkoy, Mrs. Wm. Mary Wright.
Zuloaga. Senorita Candida.—

Transcription Notes:
[[note]] = handwritten notes (notations removed per Smithsonian instructions) * Capt. Henry G. Montgomery