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Holly Washington
Mary Wine
Dick Richards
Harriet Pope
Saml Dudley
John Green
Andrew Turner

Breach of Contract
In this, that the above Defendents hav failed to preform the Hope work upon the crop. That they hav [[strikethrough]] hav [[/strikethrough]] absented them selves from the Plantation and work'd out elsewhere. That they hav alowed corn & melons to grow in ther crop in direct violation of there Contract, and after repeted orders to take out the same. All this in the Parsonage Plantation St Helena Isld. S.C. during 1866. Same charge against two more hands but withdrawn on account of improved behavour

Degozler Sworn Desposed
My Contract in the Spring. Verbal at this time, but afterward written out was red to the People, and assented to.

The Contract was presented