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had more than others. The Contract was read to them on the 18th inst and agreed to as the contract they were working under. I was at Mr Degolyer's when the order of June 12 from Lieut Powers was read to the People.
Mr. Shepard Duly Sworn Desposed. I am the Forman of the Parsonage Plantation. the crop's look very well. Mary Wine being confined by sickness to her Bead was not able to take as good care of her crop as she otherwise would hav done
Dick Richards cotton was very poor. Saml Dudly and others was pretty fair. John Grees cotton was very good. Harriet is an old women does not take up any cotton for Mr Degolyer. 
Mr Degolyer has puld up a great many rines himself after the order had been read to hav them removed. I recognize the Contract as the one given us in the spring. The People had work'd away from the Plantation because they were oblidged to do so to get something to eat.
For - Duly Sworn Deposed
During the month of June