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I rode up to Mr. Degolyer's plantation and found a great many vines there and I help'd Mr. Degolyer pull these up Mr. Degolyer talk'd with a number of people on the place about pulling up the vines and they said it was the contract and would do it.

Annettia being duly Sworn Deposed. That John Greens Cotton was very good but the others was not, so [[strikethrough]] great [[/strikethrough]] well taken are of. That Mr. Shepard John Green and her self had the best Cotton on the Place.

The court found Jim Green and Harriet Mine not guilty of the Charge and Specification and they are therefore Discharged. The Court find the other Defendants guilty, and centence them as follows.

Mary Wine however in consideration of confinement Discharged with injunction to behave her self.

Holly Washington} &
Dick Richards} 
To leave the Place with loss of Crop, which will be turned over to the Proprietor for his beiefit.