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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Agent Sub-District of Raleigh,
Raleigh, N.C., January 20th 1868,

James Carl Esq.
Agt Bu R.F & A.L.

I enclose you two cases for examination. Each I think from the slight investigation I have given them merit prompt attention. You will find J.A. Harris address in the Letter. I would suggest that Mr Harris be written to and he notified that the matter has been referred to you for adjustment. The case of Thomas Thompson (colored) against Doctor Claus, as the statement was made to me, stands as follows. Thomas had of the Doctor 

49½ bushels of corn at $1 75/100 per bushel   $86.00
4½ Gallons molases at 40 cts per Gallon         4.90
Cloth at 25 cts per yd.                         2.75
2 bushels seed Potatoes at $1.00 per bushel     2.00
1 bushel Peas at $1 75/100 per bushel           1.75

Thomas made 63 barrels of corn, one third of which is his
and at present rates $7.00 per barrel.                $147.00
[[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 6 barrels 
3 bu short corn at $3 50/100 per barrel                 23.10 
[[strikethrough]] 10.50 [[/strikethrough]]
Splitting Rails & putting up 1449 at $1.00 per hund.    14.49


Transcription Notes:
Someone should check up on looking at the numbers on the right-hand side of the page