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Roxboro N.C. January 23rd. 1868

Col Jacob F Chur


The order of Major General Miles have been executed and the corn and oats delivered to Epps. There was no obstruction to the delivery by Henry Brogy he only lived on the place. The whole of the property was claimed by Capt William Thaxton of Halifax V.A., under a written contract duly signed & witnessed which he exhibited to me.  Epps lived on Thaxtons Land, Thaxton had to furnish teams provisions, tools Seed &c and the crop was to be his untill his debt was payed.  This year Epps dont live on Thaxtons land, but wished to retain the whole of the crop & stock, which got up the difficulty.  I am requested by Capt Thaxton to say to you that he is prepared to prove that he proffered to let Epps retain the hogs and one chill coal and one third of the the provisions raised on the farm, although all was his. 

I am personally acquainted with Capt. Thaxton and think I know something of his character he has shown a great deal of favour to the Colored people generally and I think I would not treat James Epps or any other man unjustly. He desires you to make an early investigation of the whole of this matter & thinks as the matter now stands it will be obliged to injure the colored people as farmers are obliged to furnish them provisions with the prospect of getting it back out of their crops when raised.

Very Respectfully
Jno S. Harris Sheriff 
Person County N.C.