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best assist them in their crop, I have no reason to doubt he supplied the provisions as stated in evidence I agree with the statement of Hurdle in regard to the Contract I do not know how much corn or Tobacco was raised. I think the statement about Tobacco is nearly correct but do not think there was as much corn as stated think Osborns share of the corn was not more than (12) twelve Barrels- The corn was shucked out near the grain barn, about one third of the crop, it was then divided and Osborns part put in the crib. Osborn agreed to let me retain and disposes of the crop and secure my debt from the proceeds of sales and deliver the balances if any to him

F. Walker

Sworn and subscribed to before me at Hillsboro this 3rd day of Mch 1868.

Chas. B. Whittemore 
Agt. Bu R.F. & A.L.