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account. In our gang was myself, a colored man and two colored boys, we worked clearing the new land about two months. Mr. Walker married my cousin, and I have lived with him since I was (12) twelve years old.

Joseph Hurdle his X mark

Sworn to before me at Hillsbro
this 3d. Day of March 1868
Chas. B. Whittemore 
Ag't. Bu. R.F. & A.L.

Ruffin Crisp (F) being duly sworn deposes and says

I have worked two years clearing old lands for crops, never received more than one half the crop, and that is the custom when ever the owner of land finds every thing but labor and board. 
Ruffin Crisp his X mark

Sworn to before me at Hillsboro
This 3d. day of Mch. 1868.
Chas. B. Whittemore 
Agt. Bu. R. F. & A.L.