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**Andrew also gave Walker a due bill with Maj Brigham as security for $7.00

worth $1. per day - Mr. Walker made no bargain about the harvesting & mowing, but said he w'd do what was [[underline]] right [[/underline]] - This was work in which the croppers had no interest whatever - as they got no part of the wheat or hay - Put Osbornes mowing & Green's raking two weeks at $12.  Andrew mowed two days - $2.- he worked three days outside of the crop at 25 cts per day - .75 cts.
To pay the $91 Mr. Walker retained of Andrews corn - 
He retained all Osborne's corn 5 bu - @ 1.25  $6.25
38 bu @ 1.25  47.50
He retained all Osborne's short corn  6 (six) @ 50  3.00
Osborne paid cash  5.00
Osborne harvested furnishing binder 8 days @ 1.50  12.
Osborne mowed (furnishing raker)  12. @ 1. 12
Andrew mowed  2 @ 1.   2 
Andrew laborer 3 @ .25   .75

Am't due - as pr. Walker's statement $91
Am't paid at regular market prices 88.50
Am't Due  $2.50

The said Walker retains the [[underline]] whole tobacco [[/underline]] crop refusing to give up any of it -
Green also stripped tobacco 7 days @ 30 cts per day  $2.10 - (the crop of the previous year) - reducing amt due to [[underline]] .40 cts - [[/underline]] Walker took 45 shocks of oats (worth 20 cts per shock - [[underline]] $9. [[/underline]]) for two bushels wheat at 2.00 He took fodder & shucks off of 76 bu corn - (worth 415) at $9.
Oats at value $9 - at Walker's prices  $5.
Fodder & shucks 15 - at Walker's prices 9
$24               $14
Whole amt due   $91
Amt paid in sundries (as above) 88.50
Greens labor [[?]]   2.10
Oats & shucks & fodder at W's prices 14
Due by Walker  $13.60
(add true val. of oats, fodder & shucks)  (10)
& 1/3 of tobacco fr. old land  $23.60
& 1/2 of tobacco fr. new ground 7
Due bill $30.60