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Osborn Wilkinson (F) being 
duly sworn deposes and says
About the 1st of January 1867- as near as I can recolect, I made an agree-ment to work for Mr. Freeman Walker, he moved my family to his placed about a month before I commenced work for him, They had half barrel oF corn and some meat, Walker gave them some meat before I went to work. I agreed to furnish three hands and myself to be called half hand. was to do the planting, care for the crops, and clean up a lot of land of about Eight acres with Mr. Walker's hands. I was to have one half the crops from the new lands and one third of the old land crop. There was nothing said about having one half the new land, or in other words, one quarter of the crop from the new land. After the land was cleared and divided ir, Mr Walker hands then worked his half and myself and hands worked my half. When ever his hands helped me we repaid them in kind.~ We never worked both hangs together except in cutting tobacco and in the