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Andrew Oakley (F) being duly sworn
deposes and says
About three weeks before Christmas went to Mr Walkers plantation. Uncle Osborn and Hester was present. Mr. Walker talked with me all about going to work on his plantation. Said there was a field to be cleared and we could all join work with his hand and clear it and we could have half the crop for our place. I agreed to work with the others on those terms and I further agreed that when there was slack time I was to work out and turn in what pro visions I could earn to help support Osborns hands. Mr. Walker moved my family up to his place a week before Christmas. I went there about the 1st of January, staid about a week, then went to Capt. Robt Binghams, worked for Osborns gang about three months all together during the year, I have received half bushell of meal from Walker, and from my part of the crop (14 1/2) fourteen and half bushels of shell corn, he said he would put in a bag for us now and then hauling from the mill as he did not want