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J. L Ray being duly sworn deposeth and says
I Know Robert Allen (colored) I helped move said Allen onto Mr Daniel F. Thompson farm about Christmas 1867 he told me that he went to work for Mr Thompson to make a crop on shares. Thompson to furnish everything and he Allen to get a third of the crop. that he made during the time Mr Thompson was at court in February, Allen was at the farm with me and noticing some shoats said if he had some salt he would kill one of them and if Mr. Thompson did not return soon he would kill one any way as he could not do without meat John Cotton moved on Mr Thompsons place last Christmas, I have never heard anything against he's character. had heard Allen had a bad character. I do not know anything except hear say in the neighborhood, Allen (during the past winter) told me that he had stole [[strikethrough]] meat [[/strikethrough]] Corn whiskey from Mr. Killpatrick's smoke house during the time he was to work for Killpatrick, he often complained that Mr Killpatrick never paid him for this labor.

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