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[[3 columned table]]
| July 24 | Perry & Henderson, * Atty's at Law. L. S. 102. 280. Filed Sept. 12, 1869. | 22. Bryan, Texas; July 14, 1869. State that they are anxious to obtain the papers in a case of the Freedmen's Bureau vs. Jules Randh & Bro., Bryan, Texas. Inclose letter from Maj. Gillette. Late Comdg. Officer of Post of Bryan, in reference to the case. Say that they are the Atty's of the freedmen and anxious to make the money, which they cannot do, unless they obtain said papers, or records of the case. Ask to have the records looked up and papers forwarded to them. |

| 31 | Parker, John, * Teacher. | 23. Chauncey Prairie, Tex. July 26, 1869. States the vouchers for July were [[ruined?]]. Has a school of 54 day and 30 night pupils. |

| Aug. 2 | Philbrick, J.L. * Supt. Pub Instruction. | 24. Boston, Mass. July 22, 1869.  Transmits a catalogue of school furniture, issued by J. L. Rose. |

| 2 | Parry, M. L. * | 25. Galveston, Tex., July 29. 1869. Has received check for rent for May, to Chas. Waul. |

| 5 | Parry, M. L. * | 26. Galveston, Texas. July 29, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of check No. 5859, for $15; being in payment of rent of school house for May, 1869. |

| 11 | Parker, John, Teacher. Given P. King. | 27. Chancey Prairie, Tex., July 26, 1869, Wishes for pay for amount expended on school house. |


[[3 columns]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aug. 21 | Pankey, A. D. * Teacher. L.S. page 145. | 28. Anderson, Texas. Aug. 16, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of checks 5850 & 6165. Writes relative to the rent of the school house for May. Wishes a letter written to E. W. Cawthen regarding the rent so that he will not owe him any more. |

| 25 | Parker, John * Teacher, | 29. Chancey Prairie, Tex., Aug. 20, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of checks in payment of salary for April and June. |

| 31 | Price, Wm D. * Co. Judge T. Co. | 30. Austin, Texas, Aug. 31, 1869. States that letter of administration fro him on the estate of Phillip Evans, have been granted to E. Higby, who has applied for permanent letters. |

| Sept. 2 | Patterson, Mary. * Teacher. | 31. Bastrop, Texas. Acknowledges receipt of check 6486 for $15 for services as teacher for June, 1869. |

| 12 | Potts, John. Chief Clerk. Transmitted to Lieut. Wm H. Hicks, 4th U.S. Cav., Sept. 14, 1869. | 32. Washington, D.C., Aug. 31, 1869. Returns to Lieut Hicks the vouchers for printing of F. Flake for $24 95/100 with the information that the instructions of Oct. 7, 1869 prohibit more than six insertions of any advertisement and provides that "whenever an officer is of opinion that any advertisement should be inserted more than six times, he will report the case to the head of his Bureau for orders." Wishes report as to the authority for more than six insertions of the inclosed advertisement. | 

Transcription Notes:
"Randh" might be " Randle?" <- look at the other "h's" on this page, the style matches more than the "e's". changed "Heicks" to "Hicks" (just a flourish after cap. "H," not a lowercase "e" same with Higby