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|April 10|Stevenson, Louis W. * Asst. Supt. Education|44. Jefferson, Texas. April 2, 1869. Learns that horses for 6th cav. are to be sent to Jefferson from Austin. Wishes to have his horse sent with them, or if that cannot be done he desires that he be sold.|

|April 10|Still, Josce. *|45. Concrete, Texas. April 5, 1869. Is willing to teach a freedman's school and wishes an appointment.|

|April 13|Sinclair, Wm. H. * Asst. Supt. Education|46. Galveston, Texas. April 9, 1969. Incloses an appointment for Jno L. King as teacher at a salary of $10 per month from April 1, 1869. Asks its approval.|

|April 13|Sinclair, Wm. H. * Asst. Supt. Education|47. Galveston, Texas. April 9, 1969. Incloses the appointment of Mrs. Harriet Smith at a salary of $10 per month, and one of Jane Bell Martin at $5 per month, both to take effect April 1, 1869. Asks the approval of the same.

|April 13|Sinclair, Wm. H. * Asst. Supt. Education|48. Galveston, Texas. April 9, 1969. School opened in Bryan April 1 with an attendance of 80 pupils. Harriet Smith is principal and Jane Bell Martin assistant teacher. Has given Jno. L. King $10 per mo.|

|April 13|Scarlett, James D. * Teacher|49. Waco, Texas. April 10, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of an appointment as teacher at $20 per month. Give the facts as to the dispute among the freed people and the actions of the school cmr.|


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|April 14|Sinclair, Wm. H. * Asst. Supt. Education|50. Galveston, Texas. April 11, 1969. States James A. Dobson has discontinued his school at Anderson in consequence of being unable to make a living from it.|

|April 15|Scarlett, James D. * Teacher|51. Waco, Texas. April 14, 1869. School committee has reportted in favor of purchasing four lots at the N.E. part of the city for school purposes at a price of $250 for all. The locality is good and accessable to a majority of the people.|

|April 19|Sinclair, Wm. H. * Asst. Supt. Education|52. Galveston, Texas. April 15, 1969. Requests that he be furnished with the dates of the appointments of teachers in his District.|

|April 19|Sinclair, Wm. H. * Asst. Supt. Education|53. Galveston, Texas. April 15, 1969. Walter Wormly has been teaching continually since Jan. 1 and has received no pay on account of the expiration of his appointment. Thinks he ought to be allowed his salary as previously.|

|April 20|Sinclair, Wm. H. * Asst. Supt. Education|54. Galveston, Texas. April 16, 1969. Has selected a site for a school house which will cost $800 gold. If it is the intention to erect a school house he wishes a letter to that effect from the Asst. Com'r for the money is to be raised by subscription it must bbe from the business men of the city who will only do so upon written authority allowing that the Bureau will erect a school house.|

Transcription Notes:
11-09-2020: For the When Received column, included the month for the rows in which just the date was included.