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[[3 columned table]]
When Received 1869. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.

May 24 | Stevenson, Louis W. | 81 Jefferson, Texas, May 15, 1869
| * Asst. Supt. Education | Is going to send Thos. E. Toungen to Tayler on the 1st of June.  Has arranged for the Jefferson school.

24 | Stevenson, Louis W. | 81 Jefferson, Texas, May 15, 1869
| * Asst. Supt. Education | Inclosed voucher in farm of Henry Dawson for rent of school house in Marshall for May 1869.

26 | Stevenson, Louis W. | 82. Jefferson, Texas, May 10, 1869|
| * Asst. Supt. Education | Asks if an uniform system of school books is to be adopted, if not what books are recommended.

26 | Sloan A | 83. Millican Texas May 18, 1869
| * Teacher | Acknowledge receipt of check for services for April 1869.

26 | Sinclair, W.H. | 84 Galveston, Texas May 24 1869.
| * Asst. Supt. Education. | States Jennie R. Foster has not returned the amount of rent for the "Home" in Houston for March.  The vouchers were in favor of G.B. Mitchell and she had his order transferring them to her.

28 | Stevenson, Louis W., | 85. Jefferson, Texas, May 18, 1869.
| * Asst. Supt. Education. L.S.21. | Incloses the appointment of Mrs. M. J. Roberts as teacher for approval.

6 | Stevenson, Louis W., | 86. Jefferson, Texas, Apr. 26, 1869.
|*Spt. Supt. Education | Makes report in compliance with Gen. Orders No. 2, current series, Bureau of R., F. & A. L., State of Texas.

When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter.

May 29 | Stevenson, Louis W., | 87. Jefferson, Texas. May 21, 1869.
|* Asst. Supt. Education. | Forwards vouchers for Martin McInerny for February and May 1869. This completes all vouchers except for office rent.

29 | Stevenson, Louis W., | 88. 
|* Asst. Supt. Education. | Jefferson, Texas. May 22, 1869. Wishes his pay for May sent to him at Jefferson. If it cannot be done he will get it at Washington. Wishes his horse sold as he has to use the money.

31 | Scott, Ammon | 89. Dallas, Texas. May 23, 1869.
| * and others. | States that N.M. Burford has offered them a piece of land for school house and when Mr. Stevenson was there he promised to use his influence in getting the Government to furnish $200 in aid for the erection of a school house.

June 7 | Skinner, K.W., | 90. Galveston, Texas. Aug. 3. 1869.
| M.D. L.S.32. | Applies to the Comdg General in regard to his claim against the Freedmen Bureau for medical services rendered to 48 freed people at Alleyton during the yellow fever epidemic of 1867. Maj. Evan M. Harris, then at Columbus, can certify that he rendered the medical aid. Further states that two Hospitals were regularly established by military order at Alleyton. Requests that he be idemnified for such services.