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[[3 columned table]]

|Feb 22|Wein, Annie * Teacher|18. Lockhart, Texas. Feb. 20, 1869. Writes relative to the repairing on building of a school house. The freedmen take but - little interest and Mr. Thos. H. Baker less. Has difficulty in finding a boarding house.|

|March 3|Williamson, J. T. * Teacher|19. Waco, Texas. March 1, 1869. Asks for blanks. Also for tuition for previous months' services.|

|March 20|Walrous, Buy. O. *|20. Washington, D.C. March 10, 1869. Writes relative to church bell at Brenham, Texas.|

|March 20|Wein, Annie * Teacher|21. Lockhart, Texas. March 1869. When the Superintendent visits Lockhart she desires him to visit her school alone and if he finds fault with any thin she desires he say nothing to the citizens of Lockhart.|

|March 20|Wormley, Walter * Teacher|22. Brazoria, Texas. Mar. 16, 1869. Wishes blanks and a check.|

|April 26|Webber, Geo. B. * Teacher|23. Huntsville, Tex. Mar. 29, 1869. Transmits monthly report. It is impossible to collect tuition. The freed people are unable to purchase books. Has no blackboard, charts or maps. They have a good school house but not paid for.|

|April 20|Webber, Geo. B. * Teacher|24. Huntsville, Tex. April. 15, 1869. Has organized a school of 60 pupils. Wishes to know if there is a salary attached to the position, if not he'll resign.|


[[3 columned table]]

|April 19|Wood, F. P. * Co. Judge|25. Brenham, Texas. April 15, 1869. Makes statement relative to Jos. J. Burke teacher at Brenham, Texas. States he has left his school and is making political speeches and endeavoring to raise an ill feeling between the races.|

|April 19|Wein, Annie * Teacher|26. Lockhart, Texas. April 16, 1869. Write relative to the signing of vouchers so not posted in "red tape"|

|May 2|Whittlesey, E. * A.A.A. General|27. Washington, D.C. April 24, 1869. Letter of April 14 is received and this unofficial reply is made. One clerk will be allowed the Supt. of Ed. and probably a new District will be formed out of Northern Texas and Louisiana under another Supt. An order will be forwarded covering the Supt's traveling expenses when on public service. Transportation cannot be furnished teachers. They are not considered employees. Accounts will hereafter be paid at Washington, D.C. the Supt. certifying to the correctness of the same.|

|May 3|Webber, Geo. B. * Teacher|28. Huntsville, Texas. April 28, 1869. In reply to letter of 21st states he will continue to teach until July although there is no encouragement from outside. Wishes to know if there is not a fund for furnishing blackboards. A.B.C. charts &c. The school numbers 56. Wishes $15 from [[Grant?]] never hears from the "so called Asst. Supt. at Nacogdoches."|

Transcription Notes:
11-09-2020: For the When Received column, included the month for the rows in which just the date was included.