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|May 26|Whittlesey, E. A.A.A Gen. Original retained by Jos. Welch. L.S. 19.|29. Washington, D.C., May 17, 1869. Please inform me how much has been expended in Texas by this Bureau for Baptist Schools (regular Calvinist) whether connected with the N.Y. Bap. Miss. Soc. or not."|

|May 26|Whittlesey, E. * A.A.A Gen.|30. Washington, D.C., May 14, 1869. States when Gen. Chas. H. Howard returned he consulted with Gen. Balloch and the commissioner regarding the school fund. It can be used as heretofore, but payments will be made at Washington.|
|May 22|Wilkinson. W. T.* Late Lt. Col. 30th Mo. Vols. L.S. 22. L.R. 584|31. Eagle Lake, Texas. May 7, 1869. Will give the land and furnish the lumber to build a school house on his plantation. Wishes assistance in furnishing the house.|

|May 21|Wainwright, W.A. * Capt. & A. Q. M. L.S. 23.|32. Brownsvillle, Texas, May 20, 1869. Transmit 5 copies of contract and 2 copies of Bond of Mr. J.W. Pope of Brownsville for constructing a school house for the colored people at Brownsville.|

|June 3|Wilkinson. W. T.*Late Lt. Col. 30th Mo. Vols. L.S. 22. L.R. 584|33. Eagle Lake, Texas. May 29, 1869. Writes relative to the erection of a school house on his plantation.|


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|June 3|Webber, Geo. B, * Teacher|34. Huntsville, Texas, May 29, 1869. States he intends to having a vacation in July and August. Writes relative to political affairs in Huntsville. Wishes to know if he receives pay for the past four months. Advises that a good lady teacher be sent to take his place.|

|June 10|Whittlesey, Henry M. * Chief Quartermaster|35. Washington, D.C., June 1, 1869. Acknowledges receipt of transportation accounts forwarded on the 17th ult.|

|June 14|Whittlesey, Henry M. * L.S. 48.|36. Washington D.C., June 2, 1869. Wishes to know the nature of the terms under which the land is held at Huntsville when it is proposed to expend money in repairs.|

|June 15|Williamson, J. T. * Teacher|37. Waco, Texas. June 8, 1869. Wishes his pay. Has received pay but once in all.|

|June 21|Wormly, Walter * Teacher. L.S. 60.|38. Brazoria, Texas., June 15, 1869. States he has received no pay; that W.H. Sinclair, Asst. Supt. Education, sent him vouchers to sign which he signed and sent him before getting the money. Thinks there is something wrong.|

|June 26|Wein, Annie * Teacher|29. Lockhart, Texas. June 21, 1869. Complains of the treatment she receives and wishes to be transported to some other place.|

Transcription Notes:
11-09-2020: For the When Received column, included the month for the rows in which just the date was included.