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L.B. 117 p.64.

Office Sub. Asst. Commr.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Huntsville Nov 20th 1866

Lieut. E. M. Wheelock
Sub. of Freedmen's schools

In reply to your communication of the 3rd inst, I have the honor to state that in this County there is but one school under the supervision of a white lady resident of this town, she has some twenty scholars, but for want of support, will in a short time be compelled to close up. There are Sabbath schools under the superintendence of the Presbyterian and Methodist ministries, they are generally well attended, averaging some 35 scholars [[strikethrough]] daily [[/strikethrough]] every Sunday.

There is a splendid opportunity for a day or night school at this point. On my arrival here, before business increased, I agitated the subject of the establishment of schools, my suggestions met with a hearty approval on the part of intelligent Freedmen in the neighborhood, and had it not been for the increase of office business, I could now have the satisfaction of reporting a good school in operation.

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