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Office S.A. Com'r Bu. R.F. & A.L.
5th Sub-Dist. State of Texas.
Wharton Texas. Dec. 18" 1867.

E.M. Wheelock Esq.
Supt. of Schools Bu. R.F. & A.L.

On the 2nd inst. I addressed you a communication asking you what you could do for me in the way of furnishing teachers for my Sub-Dist., and requesting that if possible you would send me two good male teachers.

Since writing this letter I have rec'd G.O. No. 19. c.s. from Bureau Headquarters, which order forbids the payment of salaries to teachers in Freedmen's Schools, after Dec. 1st 1867. It is an impossibility for the schools in my Sub-Dist. to be made self supporting with competent teachers from abroad. Of the two persons whose names have been forwarded by me for appointment as teachers under G.O. No. 19. one is a colored man who expects to support himself mainly by manual labor & the other is a lady who expects to be obliged to give up her school in a month or two for want of support. Therefore I request that you will not send me any teachers unless you can send them with a salary. I doubt not but that throughout the most of the State Freedmen's schools can be made self supporting with competent teachers but such is not the case in this section where

Transcription Notes:
changed "G.A." to "G.O." (General Orders)