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in Specie to pay my Expenses I then took the Cars and arrived in Houston on my way when I was insulted by some Policeman (Horrible Rebels) and losing my sleep the night before, and having eaten nothing the little Liquor that I had taken on the Cars it flew up in my head, and I abused them back, and called them rebels as they called me a damned Yankee son of a bitch and a nigger teacher, and preacher, and all the foul names they could think of [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] they arrested me, and took my walking stick, and all my money, pen knife &c. and confined me in a dirty stinking hole for 21 days, and made me work 3 weeks on the street to pay my fine $13.50 cts and released me on Saturday evening, after I had worked out to pay my fine. I then enquired about my money and things they took from me, when I was arrested. and I could obtain no manner of satisfaction. but abuse, and threats of hanging me as a nigger Teacher sent by the Freedmans Bureau. I make this statement to you Sir, and I am willing to make affidavit of the facts before any Magistrate of Justice of Peace. I have suffered more than I can describe during the time I was confined in that dirty cell of the Caboose 21 days and only got 2 meals of the Commonest description of food, during the time I worked on the street. (every day)

Robert James Flemming
Teacher, F.B.
Sunday November 11th 1866