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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.,
Indianola Tex. 1867.
May 7th 1867

I have the honor to report, that during the past month I have made two tours of inspection through Calhoun County on duty connected with the B. of R.F. & A.L. I have not visited the Post of Texana as yet, inasmuch as it lies across Matagorda Bay and I have had no means of Transportation. I shall as soon as possible visit it by going around the Bay, though it is a long tedious trip. 
I have had no difficulty with the colored people from any quarter, all have been as orderly and quiet as could be expected, and the Freed people are willing and anxious to do everything in their power to forward their school privileges and in every way prepare themselves and their children to become a good and respectable class of citizens. At Lavacca the School is progressing finely, and the adult Freedmen have commenced the erection of their own School. I promised them that if they would push on the Building, the Bureau would finish it, provided, they were unable to procure means enough to finish it. This promise, of course, to be subject to your approval. I have at last procured the lease of a half Block of land for Five years free of rent, the delay was occasioned by there being two claimants