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Office SAC BRF&c
Milford Sept 30. 1867

Lt Chas Garretson,

I am most happy to be able to report the growing interest manifested on behalf of the Education of the Freedmen. The people seem to be more & more impressed in favor of the wise policy adopted by the Bureau in the mental culture & moral elevation of the hitherto down trodden Sons of Africa's oppressed race.

I have three schools in contemplation, one in this place & two in Chambers' creek Ellis Co. but owing to the unusual am't of sickness & extreme hot weather, they have, as yet done but little towards preparing a suitable house. Just now all hands are busy in gathering their corn crops.

I shall use my best endeavors to facilitate this matter as fast as circumstances will allow.

If I am authorized, I can furnish a teacher for one of these places. he has been engaged in teaching in this part of the country & loyal entire, 
