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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
BUREAU OF R. F. & A. L.,
Victoria TEXAS.
January 28'. 1867

E.M. Wheelock Esqu.
Supt. of education for F. & R.
Galveston Tex.


Inclosed [[Enclosed]] please find School reports from Mrs. Harris and Mr. McBryde.  Mr. Avarne did not succeed in getting a School at Halls plantation and he wrote, that he was going to Beeville, Bee Co. to see if he could succeed there. There is no shadow of a chance for him there.  If he returns I think I will send him to Lavaca, with your consent.  Have you seen Genl. Kiddoo in regard to the School house here?

The school furniture will be ready this week, and I will have a large nightschool next month about 30 attending.  But I fear that Mrs. Harris will not be in a condition to teach school much longer?  especially adults.  What would you suggest?  She also complains, that she don't receive her fees, she ows [[owes]] considerable here, and is unable to pay.

Very Respectfully
your obedient Servant
Edwd. Miller
Capt. and Sub Asst. Coms.