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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of R.F.&A.L.,
Liberty- March 26th 1867.
Lt. J.T. Kirkman
26th U.S. Infty
A.A.A. Genl & Supt of Schools
Hd Qtrs Bu R.F.&A.L.
I have the honor to submit the following Report-
In accordance with instructions from Bu Hd Qtrs. I left this place (by Steamer) on the 19th inst. with the intention of making an Inspection of my District, for the purpose of Establishing Schools for freedmen and also to enquire into their general conditions-
The intended point of Debarkation was "Nerill's Landing" at the extreme head of the County, on the left bank of the River (Trinity), then to come down into Tarkington's Prairie (by land) visiting the several plantations in the Prairie as far down as West Liberty - 
Upon my arrival at "Nerills" I was informed      that the roads through the Prairie were impassable, the late severe storms & the sudden extraordinary rise in the River, havig filled up the Slough's and Bayou's throughout the entire country - 
Mr Nerill [of Nerills settlement] informed me