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Goliad, Texas
15 April, 1867

To Sup't Education
State of Texas
Galveston - 

Please forward me at your earliest convenience the following books for use of Freedmens School at this place:

1 doz. Third Readers
1 doz. Set Copy Books, with fine writing
1 doz. Mitchell's, Brudell's, or [[Martrith's?]] Primary Geographies

The Teacher of the Freedmen's School at Goliad would respectfully represent to the Educational Supt that he has not heretofore been regularly paid for his services as teacher, although the necessary Vouchers properly signed have for some time been forwarded to the Acting Assistant quartermaster.  He has, in fact, so far, not received [[underlined]] one dollar [[/underlined]] for coming on this school, which he has now been conducting for nearly four months.  He begs learn to hope that the sup't will see to it, as the freedmen do not even now pay the small tuition fee allowed by the General's order.  I have my board bill to settle regularly and cannot do it unless I get the checks due me.  Besides I have clothing to purchase.  Please write me on the subject.  When you write, let me know how you send the books.

Very Respectfully,
A.A. McBryde
Teacher, Goliad

[[left margin]]
You will, of course, take the amount of the books out of my pay.  Also: send me as many of [[underlined]] [[grateriton's?]] [[/underline]] Sunday School books as you think proper.