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Goliad, Texas,
April 23, 1867

To E.M. Wheelock,
School Sup't,
Galveston - 

Dear Sir:
I have just received your note of 16th, saying that the order I signed and forwarded you for payment of books, was not paid, and asking Mr. W. Lund the $8.00 by mail.

I therefore respectfully dispatch by to-night's mail the check inclosed for $15.00.  The remaining $7.00 please send by letter to Captain Miller at Millican, in payment (partial) of the Ten Dollars he lent me the day you were both at Goliad.  Also, will you be so kind as to tell him to write me in acknowledgement of receipt of same.

Greenbacks are scarcely to be had at Goliad.  I would have sent them.

In reply to your inquiry, I have received check for my March pay - also for January - but not for February.  There are no blanks in the Bureau office or I would forward for that month. also for School furniture. Please have blanks sent to Maj. Holcomb for these objects and for house rent.