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Office of Sub Asst. Coms. Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Millican, Tex.  April 30, 1867

1 Lieut. J.T. Kirkman 26, U.S. Inft'y
Supt. of education for R. & F. State of Texas 

I have the honor to forward herewith my School Report for the month of April 1867: 
The schoolhouses at Millican and Navasota have been repaired and are now ready for the opening of the schools. The improvement of the scholars is as rapid as the most sanguine expectations could warrant. You will see in the report of the teachers of the Millican school that a good many have advanced to the 3rd reader, mental and written Arithmetic, writing, Geography, and some have commenced grammar.

I inclose some specimens of their penmanship and ciphering - 

Next month we will commence needle work and