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his education if very limited.  In this section we ought to have a large school, and I think the planters and freedmen will gladly contribute money and labor to build a good schoolhouse, their are at best 300 children within 4 miles square, and I think that with a sum of about $250.00 to be contributed by the Bureau, and a good teacher, we could have a first class school in that neighborhood.

Please inform me, whether I shall retain the supervision of the school at Navasota or not, it is not in my district, but I would like very much, to give it my personal attention.

Inclosed please find schoolreport of the Missus Smith The teacher at Navasota and Brazos River are not able to report on the furnished blanks.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
your obedient servant
Edwd. Miller
Capt. & S.A. Coms.